A Moment's Regret

Nostalgia ~ Idealizing the Past ~ Fearing You've Made a Mistake

"When we make life changes and take large steps into the unknown, it is perfectly natural to have a moment of two when we wonder whether we have made a series of mistakes! When this card comes to you, it shines a light on the doubts you are having and asks you to accept these uncertainties as part of the process of change.

"You are so very far away from where you once were, but you still have no clear idea of exactly where your path will take you, and you are filled with uncertainty. Instead of allowing dread to fill your mind, live as if life is a great adventure. Understand that as you change, there will be many ups and some downs too! It is not in your best interest to judge yourself harshly. Instead, anchor yourself firmly in the present moment and allow any regret and nostalgia for your comfortable past to wash over you... let it flow on by.

"You are on a remarkable journey of change. It is one that will lead to wisdom, experience, and adventure. You have made a wonderful choice, so take heart in knowing that all change creates waves and disruption. Do not make more of your misgivings that they are... they are the natural consequence of bravely stepping out of your comfort zone." 

~ The Alice in Wonderland Oracle, Lucy Cavendish & Jasmine Becket-Griffith